क्या साल में दो बार देवी पूजन और नवरात्र मनाने के बाद हमारी सारी जिम्मेदारी खत्म हो जाती है ? साल में अठ्ठारह दिन कन्या पूजन करें , कन्या- लांगुरिया जिमाएं और बाकी साल भर उस देवी का तरह- तरह से वध करने की साजिश रखें ।
वर्षों पहले उत्तर भारत में लड़कियों के नाम के पीछे देवी लिखा जाता था , जैसे कि रमा देवी , उमा देवी आदि - आदि । और तो और अगर किसी का नाम फलों पर रखा जाता था तो भी उसके नाम के आगे देवी जोड़ दिया जाता था । जैसे कि संतरा देवी , केला देवी , अंगूरी देवी । यह शायद उस परंपरा को जिंदा रखने की कोशिश रही होगी कि लड़कियों को देवी स्वरूप मानने की याद दिलाती रहे ।
परंपराएं याद आती रहें , हम उन्हें निभाएं या न निभाएं यह हमारी मर्जी लेकिन शायद जनमानस औरतों को देवी के रूप में नहीं देखना चाहता था इसलिए जल्दी ही लड़कियों के नाम के पीछे देवी लिखना ओल्ड फैशन्ड माना जाने लगा और नामों के पीछे रानी लिखने की शुरूआत हुई और अब तो देवी- रानी कुछ नहीं , सीधे - सीधे नाम लिखे जाते हैं । गोया मतलब यह नाम सीधा है तो सीधे ही मुद्दे की बात पर आओ ।
यह भी पढ़िए....................नवरात्री स्पेशल 21वी सदी:- माँ दुर्गा के नौ रूप कौन - कौन से है जानिए माँ के सम्पूर्ण रूप और शक्तियों के बारे में। \Navratri Special 21st Century:- What are the nine forms of Maa Durga? Know about the complete form and powers of Maa Durga.
लड़कियों को देवी क्यों माना जाता है:-
बहुत से लोगों ने इस पर आपत्ति भी की थी , तो बहुतेरे ऐसे भी थे जो यह कहते पाए जाते थे कि इंदिरा गांधी शेर की सवारी कर रही हैं , एक दिन शेर उन्हें खा जाएगा । शेर ने तो उन्हें नहीं खाया लेकिन श्रीमती गांधी एशिया की इतनी कद्दावर नेता जरूर थीं जिनका लोहा बड़े- बड़े लोग मानते थे । उस समय मध्य वर्ग की औरतें उनमें अपनी छवि देखी थीं और यह बात सच है कि औरतों में आत्मविश्वास भरने , उनमें देवी भाव जगाने में श्रीमती गांधी की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका थी । औरतों के लिए बेहतरीन कानून बनवाने में उनके योगदान को कैसे भूला जा सकता है ।
यह भी पढ़िए....................नवरात्री स्पेशल 21 वी सदी :- नवरात्री में उपवास क्यों रखते है व्रत और उपवास में क्या क्या खाना चाहिए और क्या नहीं जानने के लिए पूरा आर्टिकल पढ़िए। \Navratri Special 21st century:- Read the entire article to know why we fast during Navratri and what to eat and what not to eat during fasting.
भारतीय स्त्री की स्थिति का आकलन करने के लिए स्टेटस ऑफ वीमन रिपोर्ट पहली बार उन्हीं के जमाने में तैयार की गई थी । और यह क्या कम खुशी की बात है कि अमरीका जैसा देश जो लोकतंत्र और मानव अधिकारों की दुहाई देता दुबला हुआ जाता है और हर देश के पाठ पढ़ाने के लिए तैयार बैठा रहता है , वहां कोई महिला आज तक राष्ट्रपति नहीं बन सकी । हिलेरी क्लिंटन बनते - बनते रह गई । जबकि हमारे यहां इंदिरा गांधी 1966 में ही प्रधानमंत्री बन गई थीं और दुनिया की सबसे ताकतवर लौह महिला कहलाई । अभी दिल्ली में जब गैंगरेप हुआ तो बहुत से लोग कहते पाए गए कि देश को उन जैसी ही महिला नेत्री चाहिए ।
नहीं पहचान पाती देवी होने की शक्ति:-
यूं हमारे यहां इतने बड़े - बड़े पदों पर देवी स्वरूपा महिलाएं विराजमान हैं जो अन्यत्र मिलना दुर्लभ है । कांग्रेस की नेत्री सोनिया गांधी हैं तो विपक्ष की नेता सुषमा स्वराज । लोकसभा अध्यक्ष मीरा कुमार हैं तो पश्चिम बंगाल की मुख्यमंत्री ममता बनर्जी , तमिलनाडु की मुख्यमंत्री जयललिता और दिल्ली की मुख्यमंत्री शीला दीक्षित और दलितों की कद्दावर नेता मयावती को कौन भूल सकता है । लेकिन इतने बड़े पदों पर इतनी देवियों के बावजूद ऐसा क्यों है कि गांव कस्बे तो छोड़िए , आज भी दिल्ली जैसे महानगरों में औरतें अपनी देवी होने की शक्ति को नहीं पहचान पातीं । वे रात- बिरात काम से लौटते डरती हैं । पता नहीं , कब क्या हो जाए और यदि कुछ हो जाएगा तो लोग उसे ही कहेंगे कि इतनी रात को बाहर निकली ही क्यों थी । ऐसी नौकरी करती ही क्यों हो जो दिन ढले घर में ले जाए ।
गैंगरेप मसले पर आम आदमी को तो छोड़िए नेता और धार्मिक कहाने वाले तथाकथित गुरुओं से हम इक्कीसवीं सदी के तेहरवें साल में ऐसे महान वाक्य सुन चुके हैं और अफसोसनाक बात यह है कि महानगरों में होती दुर्घटनाओं की गूंज तो हमें पूरे मीडिया में सुनाई देती है मगर छोटे नगरों और गांवों में होने वाली घटनाओं तक मीडिया नहीं पहुंच पाता । इन जगहों पर औरतों के प्रति किए गए अपराध के अपराधी साफ बच निकलते हैं । औरतों को देवी कहने वाला समाज ऐसा क्यों है कि किसी देवी को नेस्तनाबूद करने में दो पल नहीं लगाता लड़की को अपनी असली शक्ति पहचानने नहीं देता है । अगर वह पहचानने की कोशिश भी करे तो हर तरह की बंदिश , रोक - टोक लगाने की कोशिश करता है ।
लडकियो का अपमान क्यों:-
यह भी पढ़िए....................कैंसर क्यों होता है इसके प्रमुख कारण क्या है ? यह कितने प्रकार का होता है ? \What are the main reasons why cancer occurs?How many types are there?
आज के समय के अनुसार लड़कियों की स्थिति:-
यह भी पढ़िए....................त्रिफला चूर्ण बनाने की सही विधि कौन सी है .इस का सेवन किस समय या कैसे करना स्वास्थ्यवर्धक रहता है\What is the correct method of preparing Triphala powder? At what time or how is it healthy to consume it?
आर्टिकल पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद
Do all our responsibilities end after worshiping Goddesses and celebrating Navratri twice a year? Worship Kanya for eighteen days in a year, perform Kanya-Languria and for the rest of the year, plan to kill that goddess in various ways.
Why earlier girls' names used to be followed by Devi?:-
Years ago in North India, Devi was written behind the names of girls, such as Rama Devi, Uma Devi, etc. What's more, if someone was named after a fruit, Devi was added before his name. Like Orange Devi, Banana Devi, Angoori Devi. This might have been an attempt to keep that tradition alive by reminding girls to consider themselves goddesses.
Traditions should be remembered, whether we follow them or not is our choice, but perhaps the public did not want to see women as goddesses, hence soon writing Devi after girls' names started being considered old fashioned and writing Rani after the names started. It happened and now Goddess-Queen is nothing, names are written simply. Goya means this name is straightforward so come straight to the point.
Why are girls considered goddesses:-
Girls have been considered goddesses. Their temples have been being built, then why talk of discrimination against women? But why don't they allow the one whom they consider a goddess to come into the world? The ultrasound which was started to detect diseases in the womb, was handed over as a surefire recipe for death to those to whom we were tearing our throats by shouting 'goddess'. When Indira Gandhi was the Prime Minister of the country, she was portrayed as Goddess Durga.
Many people objected to this, and there were many who were found saying that Indira Gandhi was riding a lion, one day the lion would eat her. The lion did not eat her, but Mrs. Gandhi was definitely a powerful leader of Asia whose strength was respected by many big people. At that time, the middle-class women saw their own image in her and it is true that Mrs. Gandhi had an important role in instilling self-confidence in women and awakening the feeling of goddess in them. How can her contribution to making the best laws for women be forgotten?
यह भी पढ़िएAlso read....................नवरात्री स्पेशल 21वी सदी:- माँ दुर्गा के नौ रूप कौन - कौन से है जानिए माँ के सम्पूर्ण रूप और शक्तियों के बारे में। \Navratri Special 21st Century:- What are the nine forms of Maa Durga? Know about the complete form and powers of Maa Durga.
To assess the condition of Indian women, the Status of Women Report was prepared for the first time during his time. And it is no less a matter of happiness that in a country like America which keeps on crying for democracy and human rights and is ready to teach a lesson to every country, no woman has been able to become the President to date. Hillary Clinton kept on becoming. Whereas here Indira Gandhi became the Prime Minister in 1966 and was called the most powerful Iron Lady of the world. Recently, when the gang rape happened in Delhi, many people were found saying that the country needs a woman leader like her.
Can't recognize the power of being a goddess:-
Thus, we have goddess-like women occupying such high positions which is rare to find anywhere else. The leader of Congress is Sonia Gandhi and the leader of the opposition is Sushma Swaraj. Lok Sabha Speaker is Meira Kumar, then who can forget West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalitha, Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit, and powerful Dalit leader Mayawati. But despite so many women holding such high positions, why is it that leave alone in villages and towns, even today women in metropolitan cities like Delhi are unable to recognize the power of being a goddess. They are afraid to return from work at night. Don't know when what will happen and if something happens then people will ask her why she went out so late in the night. Why do you do such a job that takes you home all day long?
Leave alone the common man on the issue of gangrape, we have already heard such great statements from leaders and so-called religious gurus in the thirteenth year of the twenty-first century and the regrettable thing is that we hear echoes of accidents happening in metropolitan cities all over the media, but The media is not able to reach the incidents happening in small towns and villages. In these places, the perpetrators of crimes against women get away with complete freedom. Why is the society that calls women goddesses such that it does not spare a second to destroy any goddess and does not allow the girl to recognize her true power? Even if he tries to recognize her, he tries to impose all kinds of restrictions.
यह भी पढ़िए\Also read....................नवरात्री स्पेशल 21 वी सदी :- नवरात्री में उपवास क्यों रखते है व्रत और उपवास में क्या क्या खाना चाहिए और क्या नहीं जानने के लिए पूरा आर्टिकल पढ़िए। \Navratri Special 21st century:- Read the entire article to know why we fast during Navratri and what to eat and what not to eat during fasting.
Why insult girls:-
If the girl does not agree, she is sent to the Khap Panchayat is committed to Sati, or is killed by calling her a witch. Depriving a girl of all her fundamental rights is like killing her. It is said that if you want to kill someone while he is alive, prove him to be the most stupid person in the world. That is why there has been a common belief about women that they are less intelligent. His words cannot be trusted. They are shadows of the men in the family. They have no status of their own.
What kind of society is this that on one hand honors a woman in a temple and worships her, but the woman who gives birth to a man is considered to be inferior to him, stupid, and a troublemaker. In the male-dominated society, only those women have been worshipped, who sacrificed their lives for the code of conduct made by men. Now whether it is Sita or Savitri. For centuries, if not thousands of years, only men have been deciding what women should or should not do, and are doing so today, but today's educated women are refusing to accept them as they are.
That is why there is uneasiness in the male society. Women started making their own decisions and started deciding their own life activities, no one accepted this easily. The rise of fundamentalists and their desire to keep women inside the house in various ways and to re-impose thousands of years old laws on them shows this. In our country, education, democracy, self-reliance of women, laws made in their favor, and court decisions given in their favor have empowered women and made them truly powerful.
After all, if a goddess is weak then who will worship her? Who would want to ask for a boon from him? The history of the entire human race begins with bowing before the powerful. These days, examples of this are seen in offices, politics, films, advertising, and the arts. Where women are occupying important positions and all those who yesterday used to make fun of them just for being women are forced to obey their orders. These ladies of today, with their ability, have eliminated such phrases from the thinking of society.
यह भी पढ़िए\Also read....................होम्योपैथिक चिकित्सा में हार्ट अटैक का इलाज क्या है?\What is the treatment of heart attack in homeopathic medicine?
New studies are showing that whether it is the field of education, business, science, various fields of arts, or politics, women are progressing rapidly all over the world. They are not only fulfilling the dual responsibilities of home and job or profession very well but are also enjoying it. Pallavi, a 23-year-old girl from Delhi, has set a record by passing the CA, CS, and Cost Accounting exams simultaneously. Not only this, Chitra Ramakrishna has been appointed to the post of head of the Indian Stock Exchange (NSE). Till now it was believed that women could not handle financial matters. Just look at these new ladies.
Status of girls as of today's time:-
Earlier it was said that the blessings of Lakshmi and Saraswati do not come together, but these new goddesses have refuted this. Saraswati became kind to them and Lakshmi automatically started showering. As soon as Pallavi Sachdev got a degree in CA, CS, and Cost Accounting, the bank immediately took her under her wing. Pallavi admitted that she always wanted to go into the finance sector and her role model is Chanda Kochhar of ICICI Bank. Earlier, Prema Jayakumar, daughter of an auto driver from Mumbai, topped CA.
The stories of these successful women are becoming an inspiration for girls pursuing dreams in remote areas of the country. Why are these goddesses living in villages only in nine forms? After working for the country and society in thousands and lakhs of forms, they are standing on their feet and recognizing their true form, be it farming or gardening. There should be a variety of food, embroidery, songs, and music. The things which were unknown till now were quietly swept under the floor. Now no one can insult a woman by calling her a woman. At least among the educated sections, the use of these words has become taboo. Not only this, once upon a time there was a custom of gifting bangles to men in praise of their carelessness and indolence. That is the one who does not have courage, does not have the strength to do anything, should wear bangles like women and sit at home. But women have rejected this philosophy with their actions.
यह भी पढ़िए\Also read....................त्रिफला चूर्ण बनाने की सही विधि कौन सी है .इस का सेवन किस समय या कैसे करना स्वास्थ्यवर्धक रहता है\What is the correct method of preparing Triphala powder? At what time or how is it healthy to consume it?
It must be said that 24 hours a day she turns her two hands into nine hands like Goddess Durga. When time permits, she becomes Kali and when time permits, she becomes Durga together. The truth is that the work of these goddesses of the earth is so much that even nine hands fall short.
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